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Helpful Questions On Rational Plans For Blackjack


New Guidance For Establishing Factors In

Blackjack by CupcakKe Review | Pitchfork

Quora If someone is betting high when the count is high and lowering the bet when it drops, then perhaps he or she is counting. If the person is sitting out when you are sitting out, then the person might be a counter as well. To a counter there are some very clear signs that people are counting. This is why many casinos hire former counters to detect and confirm counters. If you are not counting cards, there are still many ways to check if someone is counting. If someone bets on average much more towards the end of the shoe than in the beginning, then this is a positive sign that someone is counting (but in no way conclusive). Counters bet more on average as the game progresses because that's when the true count (which is the value on which you set your bet by) is potentially the highest. A high true count indicates a higher player win rate. Another way to detect a counter by looking at their bet size is seeing bet increases when a number of lower value cards come out and are played. Again, this is in no way conclusive but it is also a positive sign someone is counting.

For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2016/02/01/how-to-tell-if-youre-playing-blackjack-with-a-card-counter/

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